Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques

Screen capture, or print screen is perhaps the most efficient way to share whatever appears on your desktop. They help tech users like us to share and communicate better with friends and peers. Major operating systems today comes with basic screen capture and print screen function, but if these can’t fulfill what you need from a screen capture then you are probably looking for a screen capturing tool.
Screen capturing tools do what the basic tool don’t. What these tools could do varies, including the ability to include sketches and text, instantly upload image online, audio capturing, dimension-specific capturing and more. Make your screen capture and sharing experience more interesting, here’s a showcase of 40+ Free Screen Capturing Tools and Related Techniques. Full list after jump.

Cross Platform

We love cross platform tools. No more worries when you are all too familiar with one tool and needs to get the job done on a different operating system.
  • Jing Project

    A project of Techsmith, Jing has the ability to do instance image and video capturing. Aside from that, you can also do sketches on the image and share them online. Speaking from functionality point of view, being free tool is definetely a steal. [Download: Windows, Mac]
    jing project Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques
  • Evernote

    Saying Evernote has cross platform supporting ability seems to be slightly inaccurate, instead it’s multi-platform. This awesome tool not only runs on Windows and Mac, it also supports iPhone, Windows Mobile and even websites. You’ve got to check out the video to see how great it is. [Download: Windows, Mac, more]
    evernote Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques
  • WebKut

    Capture web pages in whole or parts. And because it’s developed with Adobe AIR, you bet it’s cross-platform. It captures web screenshots, the only problem is – it’s not attached to the browser. [Download]
    webkut Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques
  • Websnapshot

    Yet another Adobe AIR application to take website snap shots. [Downloads]
    websnapshots Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques

Windows Only

By default, you can only do a full page and active window print screen on Windows. The following tools give you much more flexibility.
  • ZScreen

    Open-source screen capture program that allows for region/window/full-screen screenshots. It can FTP screenshots and put the URL in your clipboard in a single keystroke. It supports automatic custom naming conventions with variables. [Download]
    zscreen Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques
  • Screenshot Captor

    Behave like most screen capture software. The most interesting part is – you can run it from a USB thumbdrive. Talking about print screen portability. [Download]
  • Cropper

    Cropper is a screen capture utility written in C# on the Microsoft .Net platform. [Download]
  • Capture

    Capture is a quick-and-easy screen capture utility for Windows (and NT), which allows you to capture the entire screen, at any color depth and resolution, and save it into a Bitmap file for editing. [Download]
  • MWSnap

    Small yet powerful Windows program for snapping (capturing) images from selected parts of the screen. [Download]
    mwsnap Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques
  • ScreenPrint32

    Free windows tool to print and/or capture to disk or clipboard, the full desktop, active window, predefined area, or user selected area of the screen. [Download]
  • Snippy

    Useful free tool to copy webpage screenshot for sharing purposes. Interesting thing is that, when you cutting out a portion of an Internet Explorer window, the URL will also be copied to the clipboard; this makes it very convenient to select something interesting on a Web site and send it out in an email message. [Download]
  • SWBCapture

    Screen capture utility that allows you to quickly and easily capture an image of any window on your desktop, or the entire desktop. [Download]
  • Screen Grab Pro

    Screen Grab Pro features one-click grab of any screen for ease of use, Timer operation, Current window selection list and more. [Download]
    screengrabpro 381 Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques
  • Wisdom-Soft ScreenHunter

    Wisdom-Soft ScreenHunter is a free screen-capture tool for you to easily take screenshots. ScreenHunter can capture a full screen, an active window, the client window, or a rectangular area. [Download]
  • Gadwin PrintScreen

    Capture screenshots with ease. [Download]
    gadwin Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques
  • FastStone Capture

    Light and powerful screen capture application with whole screen, object-selective and region screencapture ability. Save files in various formats, BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, PNG, TGA, TIFF and PDF. [Download]
    faststone Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques

Mac Only

Here are some of the most commonly used screen capturing tools for the Mac enthusiast.
  • Capture Me

    Flexible screen capture and recording utility for Mac OS X which features a floating capture window, several saving options, and resize ability. [Download]
    capture me Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques
  • Backdrop

    Simple utility to fill your screen with a giant blank window. Fill the window with a solid color or a custom image, your choice so you can take clean nice printscreen. [Download]
    backdrop Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques
  • Skitch

    Skitch is not solely a screen capture tool. It allows you to capture screen shots of any application, chat moments and the ability to sketch on the screen shots. You can then upload it to share with friends. A printscreen tool injected with some fun. [Download]
    skitch Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques
  • InstantShot!

    InstantShot! offers classical screenshot functionality for capturing the whole screen, a portion of it or a window and also the option to make timed screenshots or to make delayed captures over time. It offers a wide range of preferences and options to fit everyone’s needs. [Download]
    instantshot Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques
  • Paparazzi!

    Written in Objective-C and the WebKit framework, this small utility is suitable for those who wants to do simple screen shots in their Mac. [Download]
    paparazzi Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques
  • Screenshot Helper

    Screenshot Helper shows a full screen window with a solid color or a desktop picture so that you can take clean screenshots without having irrelevant windows and desktop icons in the background. [Download]
    screenshot helper Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques
  • SnapNDrag

    SnapNDrag lets you take a screenshot by just clicking a button and dragging the resulting screenshot off, perhaps one of the simplest and easiet to use Mac printscreen tool we’ve seen. [Download]
    snapndrag Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques
  • About Timed Screenshot 1.1

    A light screen capturing tool that runs in background until you kill the process (in Terminal) or logout. [Download]
  • Copernicus

    Mac application for speed screenshot taking and video capturing (no audio). It’s also a virtual photo gallery. [Download]
    Copernicus Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques


Screen capturing tools for Linux users.
  • XscreenCapture

    XscreenCapture allows you to capture an X11 dump from any Linux client with X11 port open. It will also convert and save automatically the result picture in the desidered compress format (default PNG). [Download]
  • Xvidcap

    Screen capture enabling you to capture videos off your X-Window desktop for illustration or documentation purposes. [Download]

Web Tools

These web tools go beyond screen capturing of your desktop. It allows you to print screen any website, all the way from header to footer.
  • Browsershot

    Free web service that shows you how your website looks like in different browser of different version. A must tool for web developers on a browser compatibility check.
    browsershot Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques

    Similar to Browsershots, this free web services is for those who understand Japanese.
    screenshots Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques
  • Super Screenshot

    Simple web service for those who wants quick print screens. No compatibility check of different browser or versions available.
  • Clip2Net

    Clip2Net allows you to capture, sketch and share screencaptures online instantly. Good tool to communicate ideas with peers. [Download]
    clip2net Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques
  • Websnapr

    As the name suggest, it snaps thumbnail screenshot of any webites. All you need to do is enter the URL and hit capture. Comes with plugins you to facilitate blogging and web publishing.
  • Thumbalizr

    Yet another online web thumbnail generator. Comes with API.
  • Browsrcamp

    Test the compatibility of your design with Mac OS X browsers. Free web screenshot tool build on Mac OSX Leopard.

Firefox Plugins

Screen capturing plugin for Firefox browser. They prints the lower fold screens you don’t see.
  • Screengrab!

    Firefox plugin with the ability to printscreen entire upper-fold and lower-fold of any browsing websites. Instead of saving the screenshot to a file, you can copy it to clipboard. [Install]
  • FireShot

    Firefox extension that creates screenshots of web pages. Comes with sets of editing and annotation tools, which let users quickly modify web captures and insert text annotations and graphical annotations. Somehow it’s nota available for Firefox on Mac OSX [Install]
    fireshot Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques

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